Hi there,
This message to tell you i m not able to connect to avast to get database. I ve never get this problem before. I m on vista home premium using a livebox with orange broadcast. Even if i try to download to install with the universal install packet (about 300kb), it send me back an error connection… This is really borring and annoying
I know, theres allready post about this but i dont know i doesnt work… and i really dont understand why
Tks for help if you can
What did u try/do?
Also, does ur internet work? (FF, IE)
Thanks for your answer. Yes my connection works but this problem. It works with ff but not with IE. ???
try to set the internet options in avast update to no proxy settings… see if if works… cause I think Orange does not use any proxy settings…
PS I also use Orange as ISP…
Thank you for your answer.
Well i tryed what you said but it still doesnt work. I even try to uninstall and install again but it still doesnt work (i mean ie8) and avast not much.
Anyway, i m just using this windows vista (and i dont like this for many reasons) for office 2007.
Another reason to keep using Ubuntu linux… I doanload the virus database by myself (cuz it doesnt want to connect by itself) : there was a trojan… So maybe a virus program. I ll scan my vista harddrive under linux and i ll see…
But anyway thanks for your answers Black3agl3
U could also try to run a boot-time scan… if that’s available on your OS…
PS I’m using Ubuntu right now…
I m trying under linux. It work and i just downloaded the virus database. SO it s a windows problem…
I just start the scan… i’ll tell you more after
Ok… but if u could get one of the evangelists/moderator/avast team member it would b better… they are more experienced…