Cannot connect to subscribed services

I recently started using your product and have a few questions. I subscribe to several streaming video and audio sites. I cannot connect to the stream or audio feed without turning off enable web scanning in the Web Shield settings. How can I enable web scanning and get video and audio feeds? Also how can I turn off On-Access Scanner Messages?

Thank you for your help.

I am new here, hope I posted to the right forum.

Dell Dimension 8250
xp home sp2
Pentium 4 2.8GHz
128 MB ddr ram ati radion 9700 pro
1 gig rdr ram

Do you use a personal firewall? Which one?


Hello Lukor,

Thank you for responding.

Yes I do have a firewall. It is Zone Alarm Pro. I checked the program control antivirus service and antivirus update, e-mail scanner service, service GUI component, and web scanner all have trusted and internet access. They do not have server access.

Are you sure that you’re using the last 4.6.635 avast version?
Details here:

This was disabled by default, you have turned them on without knowing…
On the Advanced tab of the settings, disable the option ‘Show detailed information on action performed’.

Please try to consult the following FAQ: