Cannot connect to the Internet after upgrading Avast

Hello everyone.

This is my first post here.

I’ve been using Avast Home Edition for quite some time.

Yesterday I updated the software to a new version:
Build: Sep2009 (4.8.1368)
Xtreme Toolkit version
Using ActiveSkin version

and I also updated the VPS file to:
Compilation date: 06-12-2009
File version: 091206-0

I didn´t restart the computer imediatlly after installing it, as I was doing other things.

Today I restarted the computer and since then I cannot connect to the internet. :frowning:

I have no problems with pages that use https protocol, and no problems using messenger or P2P programs.

But with pages that use http, I always get a message like:

[i]"WebPage cannot be found

Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): Unknown Error"[/i]

(I had to translate the error to english as it’s original language was another one).

I can ping the websites but i cannot see them.

If I stop the Web Shield (Version 4.8-1368) from Avast I manage to see every page

(If I only pause the WebShield I cannot see the pages… I have to terminate the Web Shield process).

Can anyone help me on this? ???

Thank you.


What you are describing is classic firewall blocking of a changed avast process, since the web shield doesn’t monitor encrypted traffic (https) that will get through.

What is your firewall ?
Does it allow ashWebSv.exe internet access ?

  • If it does delete the entry for it and reconnect to the internet, this should force the firewall to ask permission again.

Hello David.

Thank you for your quick reply.

I use ZoneAlarm as firewall.

You were right. 8)

As I had installed an upgrade from Avast, the firewall couldn’t recognise the program.

I followed your instructions and removed Avast! Web Scanner from the list.

On my next attempt to reconnect to the internet, the firewall asked me if it should allow Avast or not.

It’s working perfectly now!

Thank you!


You’re welcome.

What annoys me is why it didn’t ask in the first place, having noticed the change (or it wouldn’t have blocked it) ;D

There is a perfectly good explanation for that: my girlfriend! ;D

She said that a message box did show-up, but she didn’t allow the connection!

Anyway…problem fixed!

Thanks again!

No problem, glad I could help.

A belated welcome to the forums.