After selecting “deactivate” for the anti theft component from the device administrator page, a warning pops up…“Device administrator…Do you really want to remove this account? Removing it will also delete all of its messages, contacts, and other data from the phone. Proceed?” There is a choice of “OK” or “Cancel”. When selecting “OK” it takes me back to the anti theft component under the device administrator page with the green box still checked. First question, “Why doesn’t it allow me to deselect the anti theft component as a device administrator?” Second question, “If successful, would it erase all of my phone data?” This is on an LG Optimus S with android 2.2.
This is really strange behavior, because there is no dialog about anything beeing erased at device admin; only there are informations about application´s possibilities (f.e. can delete messages, can delete contacts, etc.) If you uncheck the antitheft there, you should see page with Deactivate a Cancel buttons and deactivate will only uncheck the applications in list. Unchecking application in device admin will not cause anything deleted. You have always choice to check / uncheck the app in device admin, in case you have not, something wrong happen to your android OS (may be try to upgrade on 2.2.2 wil help too). Anyway, beeing device admin have nothing to do with Avast Mobile Security.
Attached are the screen shots that I have been getting. I am also on Android 2.2.2. The anti theft app in this case is called scrabble.
hi do you have a custom ROM on your phone? This seems like if the OS has a mistake (because removing Device Administrator actually calls the Remove Account code which is completely different)…
I am not aware of any custom ROM…I have not done anything to the phone other than install applications. By “removing Device Administrator”, you are referring to deactivating device administrator, correct?
Seems like you are the one of the part of LG community, where update did not go well Your OS has mistaken links and device administrator is callins account administrator, so you can perform factory reset to try to fix it or recover your phone from bootloader - you have to go on your local LG webpages for support. Sorry for that.
I have a fully rooted Samsung Galaxy Note ruuning the Andiroid 2.3.6 and cannot get rid of the Anti-Theft component. The device administrator options for it seem to disbale it but I never get the option to uninstall it in the program listing when going in to it in the applications list. How can I manually remove it please? Many thanks in advance.
Which was the disguised name you’ve used for it? That is what you should look for in the app manager for uninstall.
Well, in case you have installed the root version of antitheft component, there is no easy way how to uninstall it - which is the purpose of this app.
You are seriously suggesting that you knowingly install software that canot be removed?! I would argue that makes it little better than a virus!
As it happens I managed to remove it using Root Explorer. Many thanks for your help anyway.
Yes, but if we release a method, how to uninstall antitheft, will it make a sense for future users? how can I know that may you are the one, who, if receive the right script, will trap me and spread the method on internet and make all component useless?
Many thanks for your reply. Is that not the purpose for renaming at install time, as only the person installing it will know the new name. Additionally, other products, require a one time code at install that has to be entered to remove it. Again this can only be done by the person in possesion of the code. Either method will thrwart or prevent unauthorised removal. To just leave behind a component that cannot be removed is not a valid solution to anything IMHO.
True, we will probably develop uninstaller protected by the PIN code. Untill this time please be patient. Thank you.
Can’t the PIN be discovered by the theft?
If so, I suggest another key to block the uninstallation.
Sorry. Confusion on my side.
Pin in Blackberry platform and Android. :-[
PIN here means the avast password, doesn’t it?
Yes that would be the most probable one to use but it could have a separate uninstall password. Sorry, I take your point about posting manual removal instructions.
Yeah. Including, if possible, a longer password or even with alpha-numeric characters.
I have performed a factory data reset through the settings/privacy screen and it did remove the antitheft component from the device administrator. Is there a way to install just the anti virus portion of avast and not the antitheft component?
[s]Yes, just uninstall the Mobile Security.
Oh, you were talking about installing
Sure, just skip the anti-theft setup during the setup wizard.
Titanium Backup successfully remove anti theft for me when I had an issue with an earlier version. As long as you remember what you called the program during install.
Good news: in the next official update Mobile Security will contain an uninstall wizard for Anti-Theft which is also able to uninstall rooted installations (of course password protected).