Cannot disable Avast throgh Teamviewer or Anydesk on Windows 10 1803

As Windows 10 updated to build 1803 I cannot disable Avast throgh Teamviewer or Anydesk or any remote software control because I’m disconnected. To do some work remotely I need sometimes to temporarely disable Avast, now on Windows 10 build 1803 I cannot.

Doesn’t work with Dameware too!

You can not connect to the machine with Avast at all or you can not disable it? How does this look like? Do you use Free or Premies/AIS ? If the second, is the firewall set to public mode? If yes, then all incoming connections will be blocked.

I can connect to the machine. It’s free. No Firewall problem. I have this problem only on Windows 10 1803 not on Windows 10 1709 not on Windows 8.1 not on Windows 7.

Errata corrige. The problem is also with Windows 10 1709.

The issue is now fixed internally, will be released in in next version.


The fix not will be release in microupdate because this bug affect my AfB (18.4.2534) version too?