I need to temporarily disable Avast! in order to download and install Adobe Flash 11.5.502.146. I am selecting Avast! Shields Control > Disable… from the context menu. On the Component Stop message I select “Yes” but Avast! will not disable. How can I successfully disable Avast!?
There should be no need to disable avast to install flash updates, I never do on either of my two systems win7 and xp pro and no issues.
What problems are you getting.
Right clicking the avast tray icon and you can select, avast! Shields Control > Disable for X duration, that should be enough with the resident shields disabled/stopped. There really should be no need to do this.
Thanks Guys for responding. I am using XP Home SP3 but I too don’t think that should make a difference. But for some reason the latest Flash won’t download. I tried to run Trend Micros Housecall scan but it too will not run with the AV running. In any case “avast! Shields Control > Disable for X duration” should turn the the AV off but for some reason it won’t.
The Windows Task Manager also will not permit me to disable Avast! When I disable Avast! using WinPatrol which erroneously indicates that the AV is disabled.
The Windows Task Manager also will not permit me to disable Avast! When I disable Avast! using WinPatrol which erroneously indicates that the AV is disabled.
that is how malware would try to do it, so avast has a self protection module ;)