Cannot Disable VRDB (Computer Locking UP)

I cannot disable VRDB generation. Actually I can’t change any of the VRDB options. First, I have to log in as the local Administrator to be able to change any of the VRDB options (If I am logged in a power user, I can click on the VRDB options but nothing changes). Second, when I restart the computer, the VRDB setting go back to the default setting (“Generate VRDB when computer is Idle”). I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling Avast. The problem continues. Is this a bug in the program? It definitely looks like it is. Is there a backdoor to disabling the VRDB? My billings computer keeps on locking up because of VRDB generation. These lockups are causing us to lose information. I don’t want to have to disable Avast on my billings computer. It is too valuable of a computer to leave unprotected. Help!!

The current VRDB setting is stored in \Data\avast4.ini.
If the user doesn’t have (write) access rights for this file, the VRDB setting won’t be changed. The “Disabled” status is stored as Disabled=1 in [VRDB] section of that file - can you verify that?

The ini file looks like this

ScreenSaverOnly=1 → Tried changing to 0; did not help

I gave full control to the user over the Avast folder and all objects below. Still cannot disable the VRDB. Still cannot change the options. Still going back to default options each time I restart (I can change it while logged in as admin, but as soon as I restart the default settings are back up.)

The ScreenSaverOnly key is not important (actually, changing it to 0 means “when computer is idle”, which is probably not what you want). When there is Disabled=1, VRDB should not be generated at all.

When you say the setting got back to default, do you mean that:

  • the Disabled key in avast4.ini got back to 0 after reboot
  • VRDB is being generated even when there’s Disabled=1 in the ini file? (and, the marked option in the tray popup menu is not “Disable VRDB generation”?)

The ini stays the same after restarting; under the avast ball icon context menu, the default option of generating vrdb when computer is idle is selected.

I checked the code; the menu item is checked (only) according to the ini file value - and the value is read right before the menu is displayed. So, if you have Disabled=1 in avast4.ini and still see other item (than “Disable VRDB Generation”) checked when you open the VRDB popup menu… it’s some mystery.
Are you sure you have valid user access rights for the avast4.ini file? (even though I don’t think avast would be able to start if it couldn’t read it…)

Yes the user has valid rights. Overall the user is seen as a power user. Concerning the Avast folder and all files and subfolders, the user has full control rights.

I know this may sound like a silly question, but, are you sure the ini file is being saved after the change is made or is it just being closed and then rebooting the computer? ???

I signed is as the domain admin and changed the VRDB to the default. I opened up the ini file and sure enough the settings reflected the default. Then from the ball icon context menu, I changed to disable and reopened the ini file. Now the setting had been changed to reflect VRDB as disabled. I know that my post got moved to the Avast 4 Pro forum but it is a managed install of Avast. I do use the ADNM and all of my Avast installs are managed. I don’t know why my original post was moved to the Avast 4 Pro forum but it was.

OK, moving the thread was my fault then. People often create the threads incorrectly in Server or ADNM forums; you didn’t say anything about it in the post, so I thought it was the case. Sorry.

So, this is a managed install of avast; the change of VRDB setting, however, is performed locally on the workstation - not using ADNM. Right?

I imagine it is done at the workstation. I have not set anything up in the ADNM in regards to the VRDB. I don’t even think that VRDB options are configurable from the ADNM.

Oh yes, they are. And a normal user is not allowed to change them. An admin can technically change them temporarily - but they will get overwritten by the server-defined policy as soon as the agent detects the change.

So this explains it all.

All you need to do is disable VRDB generation in the computer group’s settings in the ADNM console.

BTW could you please tell me more about the lock ups? I mean, why do you need to disable VRDB in the first place? It should work just fine…

Thanks :slight_smile: