Right, and it’s not a stupid question but the only silent mode I see in Outlook/Exchange is on the tab Heuristic and this is also set to silent mode and to Markin subject field. So, no idea here…
I feel like you. Enough is enough. now it’s apparently igor’s turn
Now, I un- and reinstalled Avast but no difference. I did not deleted the map of Alwil software beneath C:\program files. Strange thing was that there wasn’t also a ShowVirusTag=0 beneath the tag [AAVM] in the avast4.ini file… Tried this too but…
Well, it seems that the Outlook plugin really doesn’t have the silent mode in the Home version
Hopefully Vlk will fill this omission (but it probably won’t make it into the current update, so it would have to be in avast! 4.5).
Correct. Currently, it’s not possible (at least without any hacking) to set the silent mode for the Outlook provider in the Home version (it IS possible to do so in the Pro version, though).
We’ll probably add this feature in the next program update.
Currently, it's not possible (at least without any hacking) to set the silent mode for the Outlook provider in the Home version.So it does work with, for example, Outlook Express?
We'll probably add this feature in the next program update.And when is this update coming? Because I do not feel like buying yet...
Or can you explain the ‘hacking’ to me?
The post referred to Outlook and you are talking about Outlook Express.
They are two different programs Outlook Express is supplied with the windows operating system and Outlook is a part of MS Office. They both handle e-mail but in much different ways.
Yes, it works in Outlook Express - it moves infected attachments to the Chest and doesn’t show the virus dialog.
As for the hacking… I guess Vlk meant editing of some option files (such as DefTasks.xml? just guessing… the problem is that this file can be overwritten back to the original state during updates).
Well, I now use the Pro version. Deinstalled Home, rebooted and guess what? The stupid alert window keeps on appearing… And yes, all my settings in the provider section are set to Silent Mode and No. hat strikes me that in the avast.ini there STILL was no entrance of ShowVirusTag=0"…
What am I missing here?
If that is the default setting, it will probably not appear in the avast4.ini file.
Read this thread Understanding avast4.ini You will probably find it helpfull not to mention it took Technical ages to compile.
HTH David
Please correct me if I’m wrong but silent mode /answer OK means that avast can delete or move or what ever I told it to do. General answer no is to cancel(stop avast from doing whatever it’s doing) Right?
MadMax, I always learn that ‘No’ means here: Send file to Chest and no other action… :
I was just checking that I have avast properly set.
I don’t mind a popup-I like to know that it is keeping me safe
I’m ressusciting this thread because of the possibility of having this feature (Silent Mode) in Outlook plugin of the Home version… :