If anyone can help me that would be appreciated. I have tried several times to start a virus scan of my system and all that happens is Avasts freezes. It doesn’t get past 100 files and 0% scanned. I am running version 4.8.1229. I haven’t been able to scan for viruses for about 2 weeks now. Also, this morning, my Windows automatic updates says it is not switched on, but when I go into System through control panel, it says it is??? So there must be ‘something’ creeping around in my computer that has gotten in because Avasts isn’t working properly. I have only recently reinstalled Avasts as well. HELP!
What type of scan are you doing, Thorough, Standard, Quick with or without archives, etc. ?
What has changed since you were last able to do a scan ?
When you say freezes, does the cursor still move and is the avast icon (near the clock) rotating ?
I take it you mean the Windows Security center says avast isn’t switched on and not automatic updates ?
If that is not correct please give more details.
What avast processes are running in Task Manager, they begin with ash or asw, see image ?