Cannot get Outlook 2007 (using gmail account) to work with Avast suite


I am using Avast suite but I cannot get it to work properly with Outlook. Outlook is using my gmail account as a default. I have disabled SSL and my password.

When trying to send/receive, the following message is displayed: ‘Outlook cannot connect to your incoming (POP3) e-mail server’. I received the message yesterday and restarting Outlook resolved it. No such luck today. If I enable SSL it can connect but not actually receive.

Please help

Please search this forum for the solution, it has been posted many times before. You need to unselect SSL/TLS in outlook and then setup the SSL for that server in avast instead of outlook.

Surely this shouldn’t be required in MS Outlook as the outlook plug-in (of the Mail Shield) working inside Outlook 2007 handles outlook email traffic without having to change account settings and not the normal Mail Shield function.

This assumes that the avast plug-in within outlook 2007 hasn’t been disabled by outlook, which would force the Mail Shield to take over from the avast plug-in within outlook 2007.

@ thembicat
Make sure the avast plug-in/add-in is not disabled in MS Outlook:
Outlook 2007 > Tools > Trust center > Add-ins > Manage Disabled items.

Avast is definitely an active add-in in Outlook.
I have searched the forums and read the many responses saying ‘search the forum’.
SSL is set up in Avast as per the Avast tech support specifications. SSL is disabled in Outlook as per the Avast tech support specifications.

That is why I have posted this query. Could someone please help me.

Check the Mail Shield, Expert settings, SSL Accounts and see if the accounts have been set to use Encryption, SSL or TLS.

Sorry I don’t use MS Outlook or Gmail, so I can’t be a great deal of practical help. Check out this support article - avast! 5.x: SSL Problems The Mail Shield may not scan some e-mails - see

Whilst this is thunderbird related (as it is also about Gmail and IMAP) it may well help:

Thank you for your response. My Avast mail settings are all SSL.

The first link you posted was the one I used to check all my settings initially. The second doesn’t really suggest anything I could be doing differently.

It is quite weird. My mail is working today without having changed any settings, which is exactly what happened 2 days ago. I’ll keep an eye on it. If it keeps fluctuating between working and not working then I’ll try different anti-virus software. I am currently trialling Avast with a view to purchasing the full package. I believe if I am going to be paying for something then it should work without causing problems which were not there in the first place.

You’re welcome, fingers crossed it continues as it is. I hate mysteries and more so inconsistencies.