Hi malware fighters,
I wanted to go to the avast forum and the site would not load into the browser. First it says “Waiting for forum avast” then I get a Page Load Error - *
Connection Interrupted
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
What should you do now?
The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again. Does not help. What is wrong? Mon May3rd 15.51 EMT
Web Search
Have you been bad enough to get banned :o Or is there an error in your Proxy/host settings ?
I get the ‘connection was reset’ error randomly on various websites quite often…I usually just refresh the page and that works…
Hi folks,
Everything back to normal, no ban, my conscience is crystal clear - only help to hinder the malcreants a bit further here.
No checked on the settings, that was OK, then opened up in IE, and now back here with flock. Cannot get further than thinking it was a short hick-up,
Well the site was down for over an hour for me from when I tried to get on-line at around 2pm UK local time. Tried again around 3pm and the site was back up. It was the same for avast.com and blog.avast.com, the the whole avast domain was available for me.
Hi DavidR,
That is a reassuring message,
Yes, if I couldn’t get in after waiting an hour I was going to email one of the Alwil team to report the problem, just in case it was heavy load ;D
Hi DavidR,
Or it must have been a huge upload,
I also could not reach the forum during the approximate same time period. All was OK next time I tried.