Cannot Install


I’ve recently moved from Win 7 to Win XP 64 and I’m having trouble reinstalling Avast. I’ve used the cleaner program too and I’ve uninstalled/reinstalled several times

Here is the log. Any suggestions would be welome.


Did you follow the instructions to the letter.

  1. download the latest version of avast and save it to your HDD
  2. download and save the above uninstaller
  3. boot into “safe mode” and run uninstaller for each version of avast!
  4. boot into normal mode
  5. use CCleaner
  6. install the avast version you saved to HDD

Also uninstall any other anti-virus installed on your machine.
Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

Hey Para-Noid

Didn’t want you to think I had ignored you. A short while after (due to other problems) I reinstalled windows and Avast is running fine.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

You’re welcome. No problem. Glad to here you found a solution. :slight_smile:
If you are satisfied go to your original post…click “modify”…in the subject line place in brackets type “[Resolved]”.