Cannot load certain page

I use a lot on my computer with windows 7 and firefox with my home Verizon 4G wifi. I cannot log into this site anymore, although everything else I use on the wifi still can. It says “waiting for nnygenealogy” and after a while stops. There is no error message. The same happens for Opera, IE and Chrome. If I shut down the avast firewall for ten minutes, NNYG may or may not load but it’s slow if it does.

I used the free avast and windows firewall for years with no problem. Recently I updated to the paid version for the firewall. I believe that is when the problem started. Online help says I have a conflict with the Windows firewall which will not shut off if avast is running. They suggested I should reinstall Avast. This made the problem worse as there were now several sites I couldn’t log on to. At present I’m running the free avast and windows firewall.

Everything seems to load except nnygenealogy. This site recently switched to a linux server. Could this be the problem? Is there some trust level I should adjust for this site?


At present the Avast firewall seems to be bugged, see my thread:
For now install the paid version without the firewall (advanced install option) and use the Windows firewall, or like you did, use avast free.

Bugged? Why? Seems to be working fine…

See the thread I linked to, many people are reporting issues when the firewall is enabled/installed. These issues are resolved by uninstalling the firewall. Many times ppl either updgraded from free to IS or from version 8 to 9.
Issues include all/certain websites being blocked, network sharing not working, JAVA being blocked, high DPC routine execution time in ndis.sys and more.

Firewall code was rewritten in last update. So, of course, there would be issues.
I usually have some of them and the team knows my computer was always “problematic” to network/firewall issues.
Maybe I’ve too lucky this time as everything is working.
I think I’ve read something about a program update before Christmas. So, let’s wait.

I now run Windows firewall and the free Avast but still cannot log in to NNY Genealogy. My old computer with Windows XP and the same free Avast can. Whatever the Avast firewall did still lingers on the Windows 7 computer or it’s something to do with Windows 7 and the free Avast.

Did you use aswclear to remove all remnants before installing anew?

So did Avast not test the code? Releasing a buggy product and then saying “of course there would be issue” really doesn’t give me the warm feeling about Avast that I used to have. Are your customers now the beta testers for 2014?

Seems so, I’m a long time user of Avast and install the free version for many clients… this is the first time this user=beta tester feeling I know so well from EA creeps up in association with Avast.

Thread hijacking aside: Upstate, you could try disabling/removing the Online Security browser plugin. Especially IE users are reporting issues with it.

What is aswclear and where can I get it?

Google would’ve brought you here:

Removed Avast with avastclear while in safe mode. Without reinstalling it, NNYG loaded fine. Once the free version was installed, and while using Windows firewall, problem returned. Turning off shields for ten min does not remove problem. Very tired of everything I update installing Chrome and making it default browser.