Sad thing is that I’m not as familiar with avast! as you are.
Although I did make 1,900 posts in 7 months period in another forum. ;D
Thanks for the help David.
Edit: I just noticed this rank: “avast! Evangelist” on some users. I thought it was a Moderator rank or something of that kind.
Am I wrong? Or is there a specific amount of posts? (I’m not setting a goal, but just out of curiosity.)
How do you think I learned about avast as I have experienced virtually none of the problems that I try to help with ;D
By being involved in the forums and learning from the vast amount of information available on the forums others and after a short while passing that information on and continuing to learn more seemingly every day.
Stick around and browse the forums, especially the sticky topics at the top of each of the forums, not to mention the avast help file. They provide a wealth of information to help you get the best from avast.
[font=tahoma]Thanks Charlie, I’ll be sure to do that.
And yes, that’s what I am doing. Sharing my knowledge of what I know… and if I come across a problem that I do not know about (I use heuristics ;D *laugh) I try to my best to solve it with the information I know. Step-by-step. Unfortunately, even with that tactic it does not work so well. So my spotlight turns to another member :o
I’m currently a member of three forums… O.O so I’ll try to visit all of them in one day.