Cannot modify Profile.


I cannot seem to modify my profile such as the one displayed in the screenshot:;page=profile#owners

All I have under ‘Modify’ Profile is: Account Related Settings.

I cannot change my signature, avatar, nothing!

I would like some help.

You are limited as to what you can modify in your profile until you have 20 posts I believe, not long ;D

Ah. Thank you David for the prompt response. : )

I’ll see what I can do (browse around).

Thank you.

Your welcome, 1 to go ;D you should see your Newbie change to Jnr Member I think.

I understand. Thank you David : ).

Can you explain to me what the “stars” stand for?

They are for the number of posts you do.

Sort of like when I was in school and I did good work.

You’re welcome, I take it now your a Jr Member you can change your profile ?

[font=tahoma]Thank you Kenny for the explanation.

Yes, I can edit my profile now.

Wow. David you seem like a idol to me ;D… 25,000+ posts O.O

I can’t dream of ever reaching that much.

Not an idol, just another avast user like yourself, trying to help other avast users get the best out of avast.

Neither did I think of reaching it, however it isn’t a target, just one day at a time, one post at a time, they soon mount up ;D

[font=tahoma]I understand now… 4 years period. xD

Sad thing is that I’m not as familiar with avast! as you are.

Although I did make 1,900 posts in 7 months period in another forum. ;D

Thanks for the help David.

Edit: I just noticed this rank: “avast! Evangelist” on some users. :slight_smile: I thought it was a Moderator rank or something of that kind.
Am I wrong? Or is there a specific amount of posts? (I’m not setting a goal, but just out of curiosity.)

You’re welcome.

All the Moderators are Alwil staff members, and Evangelist is just another forum title based on number of posts (300) of an avast user.

[font=tahoma]Alwil staff? I don’t recall seeing anyone under that title… or… David are you one? :smiley:

Anyways, I’ll just end this thread with a thanks. You’ve answered my question. I don’t want to drag this any further.

No, just another avast user like you.

You may also see them as Evangelists or Moderator, etc. as most of them will also have made more than 300 posts ;D

[font=tahoma]Oh, I see. They will say “Global Moderator” or ALWIL Team. Cool.

300+ seems daunting… more like a nightmare.

Haha, I think I can achieve that by posting in miscellaneous threads that are not related to avast! :D.

The problem is that the avast! problems that users are facing are unknown to me. So I can’t provide a solution even if I wanted to. :frowning:

Come back to the forums often, learn more each visit, and in time you can help others. :slight_smile:

How do you think I learned about avast as I have experienced virtually none of the problems that I try to help with ;D

By being involved in the forums and learning from the vast amount of information available on the forums others and after a short while passing that information on and continuing to learn more seemingly every day.

Stick around and browse the forums, especially the sticky topics at the top of each of the forums, not to mention the avast help file. They provide a wealth of information to help you get the best from avast.

[font=tahoma]Thanks Charlie, I’ll be sure to do that.

And yes, that’s what I am doing. Sharing my knowledge of what I know… and if I come across a problem that I do not know about (I use heuristics ;D *laugh) I try to my best to solve it with the information I know. Step-by-step. Unfortunately, even with that tactic it does not work so well. So my spotlight turns to another member :o

I’m currently a member of three forums… O.O so I’ll try to visit all of them in one day. :smiley: