Cannot Pause or Stop Avast

I have downloaded Avast and have registered it. But I am unable to stop it or pause it. I want to run a scan disk on my computer but cannot because Avast is using my memory. When I click on Avast the pause and stop is in gray you cannot click on it. Please help me.

What Operating System are you using ?

I want to run a scan disk on my computer but cannot because Avast is using my memory.
Can you expand on this, the fact that avast is using memory shouldn't stop you doing a scan, how much memory do you have ?

I suspect that all isn’t well with your installation, try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. You need to be on-line to do this.

Have (or did) you have another AV installed in this system, if so what and how did you get rid of it ?

I am running Windows 98. I tried the repair but it did not change anything. Why cant I turn off Avast or pause it. I am not sure how much memory I have. I did have another anti-virus program before but I uninstalled it before I installed this one.

Which anti-virus did you have? Some, especially Norton/Symantec, require additional steps beyond using “add/remove programs” to clean up remnants that could interfere with a new installation. I (and many others) have had that unfortunate experience.

I cannot remeber what the name was but it was not Norton. I used the uninstall button on it to delete it off my computer.

The Anti-Virus that I use to use was Defender Pro.

My anti-virus removal experience is limited (Norton, McAfee, AVG) and I am really not very computer savvy, and I don’t want to make any suggestions that could do harm. (I would have directed you to a thread with the needed information.) Those more experienced may find it useful to know more about your system–memory, other security products, such as what firewall and anti-spyware you are using, if any. If you could post that information, they might have a better idea where to start.

Other than that, you could try using the search function on the forum. The advanced feature is quite useful.

Sorry I can’t be of help.

Right click the my comptor icon, click properties. Amount of memory should be listed there. Click Performance tab, memory will also be displayed.

That is what we are trying to find out by asking questions, without answers were as in the dark as you are. As oldman mentioned, Right click on the My Computer icon (should be on the desktop) and select properties, that will give you details of your RAM and CPU (see image), let us know what it says.

Unfortunately it has been so long since I used win98 I have forgotten much about it. If you use the Ctrl+Alt+Del key to show what is running, what avast processes are running, they usually start with ash or asw ?

I have to admit, I have never heard of Defender Pro as an anti-virus program. A gogle search returned many hits and I’m a little sceptical about it claims having never heard of it before. It claims a VB100 award yet I don’t see it in the Virus Bulletin website. A search for Defender Pro on the Virus Bulletin site returns no hits.

Is the avast icon rotating when you are trying to do this ?
If you double click on the avast icon it should pop-up the on-access scanners window, that should also show what providers are running, you may need to click on the Details… button to show more information. What is running ?

OK the Ram is 256. When i do con. alt. del the programs that are running is ashmaisv and ashwebsv. And when I go onto Avast on Access Scanner it shows nothing is running and It will not let me start to run anything. I did try to do control alt del and stop almost everything it still would not let me run scan disk or do a disk defragment. Sorry for all the trouble I have never had this problem before.

The one that would appear to be missing is ashServ.exe, the main scanning engine I can only assume that this would also show in win98.

And when I go onto Avast on Access Scanner it shows nothing is running and It will not let me start to run anything.
This would confirm why those options were grey, if they aren't any running you can't pause or stop them. If you hover your mouse pointer over the avast icon it will tell you x number providers total x running, what does that say ?

Because the ashServ.exe would appear not to be running it won’t let you start the other providers without the main scanning engine (that they use).

See my comments here about defrag in win98

Personally I think your installation is screwed, sorry for using technical terms.

Try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. You need to be on-line to do this.

If that doesn’t work try, uninstall, reboot, install, reboot.

It would probably be best to download the latest version of avast and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again. Use that when you reinstall.

ashServ.exe does not appear in Ctrl+Alt+Del . Don’t know why, but avast runs fine.

Thanks for the feedback oldman, its been a real long time since I played with win98.

Thank you for all your information. Somehow I finally got to do a scandisk and a defag. I am not sure what I did you change things. But thanks for your help.

Glad you got it sorted out and welcome to the forum. Come back often and share your experience with others!