Cannot receive my mail through Outlook Express

I cannot receive my mail to my inbox at Outlook Express.

This problem started yesterday, when I click send/receive on Outlook Express this is the message I receive:

The server responded with an error. Account: ‘’, Server: ‘’, Protocol: POP3, Server Response: ‘-ERR concurrent connections limit in avast exceeded(pass:0, processes:msimn.exe[1])’, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC90

Can someone assist me to rectify this problem.

Thank you.

Are you also running any kind of spam filter along with Outlook Express?


We will need more information to be able to help you:

  • Which OS are you using? Is it up to date?
  • Do you use a firewall? Which one?
  • Do you have any other antivirus installed in your system? Did you have in the past?
  • Any other security programs that could interfere?

I telephoned my ISP, and this morning after awakening the problem has been rectified.

What the problem was or is, is beyond me.

If it happens again I will give you the information you require as the answer may assist other members.

Thank you for your trouble and answer.

You’re welcome. Feel free to come back any time you need help or just to change experiences 8)