I had to uninstall Avast 4.6 to see if my problem was related to the avast program. After checking a few applications, I tried to reinstall Avast. On my C: (WinMe), I was able to reinstall, but on my E: (XP SP2) I could not. When I opened the installer, I got the following message:
Error 82 (00000052) Last performed operation extracting main.exe
That is very close to the exact words, error numbers ARE correct.
Last week suddenly I could not view my Help & Suppport, My Computer, User Accounts. HOWEVER, they WERE running operations in Task Manager. They would not open on the screen.
After disabling all but Standard on the toolbar (i.e. P2P, etc. I do not have internet on that computer) every problem corrected except I still cannot view Help & Support. So I thought maybe Avast Installation was the problem.
I love Avast, it is the best! I had read that some viruses could “take over” anti-virus programs and the user would think that the A/V program was okay. Is there any truth to this?
And please someone help me Reinstall Avast.