Cannot reinstall Avast 4.6

I had to uninstall Avast 4.6 to see if my problem was related to the avast program. After checking a few applications, I tried to reinstall Avast. On my C: (WinMe), I was able to reinstall, but on my E: (XP SP2) I could not. When I opened the installer, I got the following message:

Error 82 (00000052) Last performed operation extracting main.exe

That is very close to the exact words, error numbers ARE correct.

Last week suddenly I could not view my Help & Suppport, My Computer, User Accounts. HOWEVER, they WERE running operations in Task Manager. They would not open on the screen.

After disabling all but Standard on the toolbar (i.e. P2P, etc. I do not have internet on that computer) every problem corrected except I still cannot view Help & Support. So I thought maybe Avast Installation was the problem.

I love Avast, it is the best! I had read that some viruses could “take over” anti-virus programs and the user would think that the A/V program was okay. Is there any truth to this?

And please someone help me Reinstall Avast.

Oops, I am sorry I forgot to click to email me with any responses. Or email directly to

If I’m not wrong, you’ve posted twice the same problem…
Sorry, I’ve browsed too much today.
Why don’t you download the file again and try to install?