Cannot reinstall Avast.

Ok. I installed Avast 2 weeks ago but didn’t restart the pc after that. I turned off my pc later and the next day I uninstalled it in order to install the premium trial. That wasn’t possible to be done though, it always showed me the message on the screenshot. Tried to install the free again, but same message appeared. Restarted the pc many times, but same message again. Downloaded the avastclear to delete completely everything related with avast, restarted the pc again, but it just refuses to install the antivirus. I do not know what else to do.
The message of the screenshot with the weird language just says that “Avast cannot be installed because the pc has not been restarted”.

2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infoinstup[20232,9380]Command: ‘“C:\Windows\Temp\asw.d45eb5a603be1248\instup.exe” /sfx:lite /sfxstorage:C:\Windows\Temp\asw.d45eb5a603be1248 /edition:1 /prod:ais /guid:0e28b9d6-7c14-473a-900f-64cbc682f41c /ga_clientid:e6dbeced-e54c-40c3-a0e4-b1e9012a10a2 /cookie:mmm_ava_001_999_a4d_m /ga_clientid:e6dbeced-e54c-40c3-a0e4-b1e9012a10a2 /edat_dir:C:\Windows\Temp\asw.72b0c78419f6e72e’
2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infoinstup[20232,9380]CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Quad-Core Processor ,4
2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infoinstup[20232,9380]OS: Windows 10 (10.0.18363) x64
2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infoinstup[20232,9380]setup: x64
2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infoinstup[20232,9380]Memory: 37% load. Phys:10364936/16708632K free, Page:9967076/19199000K free, Virt:137434582340/137438953344K free
2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infoinstup[20232,9380]DISKs: C:\ - 130112MB free / 222GB total
2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infoinstup[20232,9380]DISKs: D:\ - 104576MB free / 1862GB total
2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infoinstup[20232,9380]DISKs: F:\ - 222692MB free / 931GB total
2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infoinstup[20232,9380]DISKs: G:\ - 36895MB free / 476GB total
2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infoinstup[20232,9380]DISKs: H:\ - 364159MB free / 447GB total
2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infoinstup[20232,9380]DISKs: J:\ - 514MB free / 0GB total
2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infoinstup[20232,9380]Running module version: instup.exe - ‘20.2.5130.0’
2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infoinstup[20232,9380]Running module version: Instup.dll - ‘20.2.5130.0’
2020-04-14 16:16:41.136Infomutex[20232,9380]The ownership of the fallback mutex has been successfully taken.
2020-04-14 16:16:41.151Infoshepsync[20232,9380]Wait interval 60
2020-04-14 16:16:41.151Infoini_access[20232,22164]watch task for C:\Windows\Temp\asw.d45eb5a603be1248\config.ini started
2020-04-14 16:16:41.151Infoini_access[20232,7744]watch task for C:\Windows\Temp\asw.d45eb5a603be1248\config.def started
2020-04-14 16:16:41.151Infoini_access[20232,7744]watch task for C:\Windows\Temp\asw.d45eb5a603be1248\avast5.ini started
2020-04-14 16:16:41.203Infoshepsync[20232,9380]Trying server IP address ‘
2020-04-14 16:16:41.891Infoshepsync[20232,9380]Download of config file config.def from succeeded.
2020-04-14 16:16:41.907Infoshepsync[20232,9380]Config file C:\Windows\Temp\asw.d45eb5a603be1248\config.def successfully updated to version 3447
2020-04-14 16:16:44.917Infoshepsync[20232,9380]Postpone interval was reset
2020-04-14 16:16:44.929Infoini_access[20232,7744]watch task for C:\Windows\Temp\asw.d45eb5a603be1248\burger_client.ini started
2020-04-14 16:16:44.930Infowizard[20232,9380]Running module version: HTMLayout.dll - ‘20.2.5130.0’
2020-04-14 16:16:45.061Infowizard[20232,9380]Loaded module version: C:\Windows\Temp\asw.d45eb5a603be1248\HTMLayout.dll - ‘20.2.5130.0’
2020-04-14 16:16:45.135Infowizard[20232,9380]Setup gui was successfully started.

  • Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premium)
  • Which version/build of Avast…?
  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?

Latest free and premium versions found on the website.
I also use Malware bytes and comodo firewall, but without problems so far.

A Japanese user also reported similar issue, and he is using Comodo too.

For his case, removing these directories manually resolved the issue.
Please make sure you don’t have any Avast software installed, or you’ll mess your system more.

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avast Software
C:\ProgramData\Avast Software
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Avast Software
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Avast Software