Cannot remove RVHOST.exe. Please help!!

I cannot remove RVHOST.exe. Can anyone please help me to get rid of this annoying trojan?

Please don’t double post.

Does avast! detect this?

Try a boot time scan with avast! Right click the scanner screen, select ‘schedule a boot time scan’ and reboot when requested. (Or open the tab at the top left of the scanner screen and select the boot time option from there.)


Please disable ‘Hide protected operating system files’ and enable ‘View Hidden Files and Folders’, and upload the above files to VirusTotal for analysis. Post the results here.

You see what happens when you double post?;topicseen#msg335771

I have answered your first post, as FWF said duplication just causes duplication of effort for those trying to help, not to mention confuses the issue of what has been asked and answered.

As this is in the correct forum (Viruses and Worms), it may be best abandon the first and answer the questions in this topic.