Thank you, hopefully it will alleviate the number of similar topics in the forums.
Michael529 post:5:My Avast Free (build 21.5.6354.680, UI 1.0.646) has decided my subscription has expired.
There is a link on the UI home page to reactivate. That takes me to a page that offers (on the left) continuing with free, and (on the right) going for a paid option. I click the option to stay with Free and I get a further screen offering me a free trial of Premium. There is a “No thanks” at the bottom. I click that and go back to the UI home page. Guess what: my subscription has (still) expired.
Unless I’m missing something, there currently seems to be no way of reactivating the Free subscription without accepting an unwanted trial of an upgrade. I really don’t want to do that. (I’ve tried “X” out the various pages, rather than following the links, but that makes no difference. Rebooting doesn’t do it either)
As I understand it, even without the reactivation I’m protected. But I get a nag screen every morning when the PC starts up telling me to reactivate; I’d as soon do without that!
You should be able to renew the free version without any trial of Avast Premium Security.
Could you please provide a screenshot of Menu > My Subscriptions (do not include any personal information)
Hello r@vast, I am having the cannot renew Avast free problem again, but on a Win 10 PC. Can you please help? I started a new topic here: . I have not found a solution.
+1 here. there is no option to select “free”. Under “free” there is no button to select. There is only one green button under paid version. The software is forcing me to subscribe to paid account.
+1 here. there is no option to select “free”. Under “free” there is no button to select. There is only one green button under paid version. The software is forcing me to subscribe to paid account.
You can simply close the windows with the X in the top right corner.
There isn’t any need to renew the free version.