Someone that can tell me how to act? I downloaded an e-mail with some in it via mailwasher into Outlook Express on my XP SP2 (with two accounts- a admin account and a normal user account), however when I try to save a picture from a mail in the in-folder, it says that it cannot do so, because it cannot find Windows\system32\mshtml.hlp/
Looking in the Windows system32 I cannot find this help file. Is this due to a a-squared sweep that went bonkers? Cannot think of anything else so far. How do I restore this so Outlook will function again or do I have to use an alternate mailprogram?
I like to repair the problem first, but I do not have this particular hlp file.
Sorry boys, did some read up about it and it is a bug that comes with installing IE7, and MS says they hope to fix it in the future, and they outsourced the solution for the problem. So the file that is asked for really, really does not exist, and now MS even admits to that. Did not try to save a picture from an e-mail for some time and now that I finally try to do not possible because of this IE7 installation. Does making another browser my default save me from this MS FIASCO? What an OS where you upgrade a browser to find your mailprogram to be crippled. Thank you Microsoft for just another inconvenience. And then Microhard denies it has a IE7 OE6 compatability problem. How did others react?
I have not used Outlook nor OutlookExpress in about 8 years. That’s when I started using Earthlink and their email program which worked very good. About 3 years ago, I started using web-based email (Earthlink) only … for protection from malware sent by email.
There is no question of malware here. And yes I use Mailwasher and avast webmodule and an ISP av and anti-spam account, so I am rather secure in this respect. The crux of the matter is that MS never told me that when I updated IE6 to IE7 (they recommended that), that through a coding error I could not download jpeg files from downloaded e-mails into my pictures file anymore, and to have that feature back I have to uninstall IE7 and go back to IE6. Why they introduce a browser that has such an incompatibility error built in, asking for a file that MS admits does not exist. It is like telling you to use a module that is not available. The solution of this Microsoft problem aka fiasco has been outsourced, but if we are unlucky we have to wait until IE8 and hope the coder did not fall asleep again. Is not this a very good way of propagating Thunderbird, when you creating such conflicts between MS programs? MS admitted recently they cannot get secure their code alone because of the complexity of it, good there is FFOS,
My answer to your question is contained in answer#2… ;D
The answer your addressing was a reply to CharleyO.
And David is right. IE8 has a long way to go. Hopefully a fix for the incompatability will be forthcoming
but don’t hold your breath.