Cannot turn Web Shield on

BUMP = So what browsers does the Web Shield get on with ?

Well that is a relalation and makes AMS worthless IMO.

Yes, those cards were held very close to the chest.
This is also why I asked for supported browsers, as I have been trying to avoid Chrome, Chromium based browsers.


It is currently only supported on Chrome and Opera. Our developers are working on a new solution addressing the current limitations.

Thanks for the response.

However, it would have been nice if this had been made clear what browsers were supported in either Google Play or App information or a Notification Alert when using it with Firefox. Instead of my living on the misapprehension I was fully protected by AMS.

Not to mention saving days and days of trying to make AMS work on my Samsung mobile phones and Android 11 and blaming Samsung and Android 11 for the problem. Disappointed.

Dissapointed is an understatement.

It seems that Avast has partially fixed this in AMS 6.46.2-X. If you set up the new scam protection, web shield will scan the web traffic for one browser only (even if it’s not Chrome or Opera). I tested my default browser, Firefox, at and was alerted that malware was found. Thanks, Avast. :slight_smile:

Edit: Correction

Just got it and it does appear to work with Firefox, thank god I can ditch chrome that I really don’t like using. Though I’m not sure about your point about for your default browser as I can’t recall ever having set a default browser in Android.

I hope this “instruction” is fixed soon.

I have had that same issue time and again. When you click Settings from the Avast popup there is no direct setting visible for Avast switch. The instruction does not refer at all to “Installed Services”.

I guess it is all a waste of time if WebShield does not work on FF browser on android. But is that still true from this:

It would be good to get a definitive answer from the devs as last reply was Chromium based browsers only.

Hi DavidR,

Sorry, that should be one browser only (edited) since you can only have Avast scan one browser’s traffic at a time.

Firefox was likely your default browser. When you clicked on a link in say a text message, which browser did it open in? Of course, if you set up scam protection properly, your default browser is now Avast (acting as a proxy).


Well it seems that Google/Android sets the default browser to Chrome (promoting/pushing its browser), I certainly never set it. But for sure I have now changed that to Firefox.

With Avast Mobile Security 6.46.2, WebShield supports Firefox browser.

Thankyou for letting us know r@avast. That is a worthy improvement.

Now devs just need to improve the instruction for users to enable Web Shield via Settings.