Cannot Update latest Anti-Theft

I’ve been using Avast Mobile Security for sometime. Great product by the way. Also with Anti-Theft enabled. I have a Razr Maxx, that is rooted, but switch back and forth with Rootkeeper. I’ve been able to upgrade the Anti-Theft updates has they have come out, until recently where I’m unable to do so. I’ve tried switching back and forth, rooted and not-rooted. I’ve tired the direct method and both of the recovery methods. For the Direct Method I get the "Could not write to /system directory(Permission Denied). Retry(it is recommended to retry at least one time)? I’ve also tried the Recovery with the EDIFY and AMEND formats. I’ve done the manual boot into recovery. I’m only rooted, but don’t have any custom ROM’s. I am on Jellybean 4.1.2.

Before the update I’ve removed avast! as administrator as requested. I’ve rebooted numerous times.

I’m running version 130512-00 of Avast! mobile and version 2.0.4333 of Anti-Theft. It says the following version 2.0.4681 upgrade is ready.

Before I’ve had to uninstall Avast! mobile entirely and re-install, reboot in between and then I could get the updates. But seems like that’s not working this time around.

Appreciate if anyone has any suggestions.

I did see the posting below, but that was not what I am experiencing, and did not appear that the issues was completely resolved.

did you accidently block avast! in you SU whitelist app?