I’m getting “Connect() timed out!” when attempting update the virus database over a proxied web connection. The same connection was used to download the program’s installation file and write this message. This happens whether I have the Guarddog firewall enabled or disabled…
first, check the settings in the /etc/avastvpsupdate.conf. This configuration file might be also placed in the user home directory - so please check these locations as well. In the file, the values NetAcc, NetUser, NetPwd and NetPort are influential for proxy usage.
Other solution is to use the avastvpsreload.sh instead of avastvpsreload.pl. The shell script uses wget or lynx (whichever is available) to download the 400.vps file (and, of course, does the same md5sum polls as the perl script, so there’s no downloading overhead). This script uses the /etc/avastvpsupdate.conf too (and transforms the proxy-related options mentioned above into options suitable for wget or lynx).
In case of any problem please paste the contents of your avastvpsupdate.conf file here, and our answer will be more accurate :).