Cannot update with vpsupd.exe (avast 4.1)

From 29 Jan 2004 I cannot update AVAST 4.1 using vpsupd.exe.
When I run the exe, I have the error “Already updated” (I don’t remember exatly, but the mean is this)
But this is false! If I try update via net it works correctly.
I think somewhat is wrong in vpsupd.exe…

AVAST 4.1 (29 Jan 2004)
Windows 98SE

Yes, you’re right.
We’re already aware of the problem; the fix will be available asap.


It should be fixed right now - please retry :wink:


Do you rebuilt the vpsupd dated 6Feb04?
Do I need to download the update again?

Just download and run the latest version.