I’ve installed Avast Home and have consequently lost the ability to read any of my various webmail accounts, which show cookie errors and whatnot that were never seen before installing this.
I have to disable the on-access scanner to read my mail.
Yeah, but the connection to the problem isn’t immediately obvious to me. Are the two just that incompatible? ???
I had some pretty severe problems with even getting XP to boot immediately after installing Avast, but it appears to have straightened itself out after a safe-mode boot/reboot.
If yeah, means you have ZA Pro then, yeah, they are incompatible when you have the privacy function set to high and web shield in transparent mode. That is why there is a compatibility question asked when you install avast if you already have ZA installed so you can disable the Transparent mode of web shield.
ZONE ALARM - AVAST Web Shield compatibility dialogue - Install/Update Question - YES or NO
If you are using ZoneAlarm Free you should click NO, because privacy features are not present in ZoneAlarm Free this will not turn off web shield transparent mode proxy.
Use a text editor and edit the avast4.ini file, the default installation location is C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\avast4.ini (I would advise you copy avast4.ini before editing it, just in case).
If you answered incorrectly, Locate the line containing ZoneAlarmCompatibility= and delete that line (avast will ask again, answer NO) or change the value to =0. Save the edited avast4.ini file.
If you are using ZoneAlarm Pro and Privacy Control in ZoneAlarm is set to High and if you click YES in avast compatibility dialogue box the transparent mode proxy in web shield will be turned off you have to manually configure browser to access internet. To manually configure your browser watch instructional video
If you had boot problems after installing avast, what were they ?
This is often cause when other AVs are present or remnants of previous AVs are present.
Have (or did) you have another AV installed in this system, if so what and how did you get rid of it ?