Can't access webpages with Avast turned on

I have what I hope is a fairly routine problem – I can only access webpages using Internet Explorer when I turn Avast off. I’ve tried the Avast FAQ advice…

Check your firewall configuration. For the correct operation the Web Shield process (ashWebSv.exe or aswWebSv.exe) needs a permission to access the Internet (TCP port 80) and a permission to act as a server and accept incoming connections from localhost (the local machine) on TCP port 12080.

…by going to Webshield…customise…basic tab…and enabling ‘web scanning’, deselecting ‘ignore local communication’ and setting the ‘redirected HTTP port(s) to 80,12080.

I think this is what the above’s telling me to do, but I still can’t access webpages.
Any help appreciated! Thanks…

It isn’t what it is telling you to do,
Check your firewall configuration. is your clue, the settings referred to relate to ‘your firewall’ not the web shield. Enable the Ignore Local Communication.

Remove the 12080 that is the port that is used when avast redirects port 80, so effectively you would have a loop.

What is your firewall ?
Does it allow ashWebSv.exe internet access ?

  • If it does delete the entries for them and reconnect to the internet, this will force the firewall to ask permission again.

Thanks for this. I’ve now enabled ‘Ignore Local Communication’ and remove the 12080 as suggested.

As far as I’m aware (this is a new PC, and I’m not by any means an expert), I’m not using a firewall. I’m using broadband from home and have Windows firewall turned off. My PC came with a free MacAfee trail, but I’m not using this - has this got anything to do with it?

Could you suggest where to go from here? Thanks again…

There is a possibility that the additional AV installed could be the cause, having two resident scanners installed is not recommended as rather than provide twice the protection it can cause conflicts that could leave you more vulnerable.

You don’t say which of the McAfee applications you had. But you should uninstall it using add remove programs and for good measure run the applicable tool below.

McAfee has an uninstall tool that you could run to ensure any possible remnants are removed.
2007 version -
Also see - How do I uninstall SecurityCenter?

You most certainly need a firewall at least the one with the OS which you also didn’t mention ?
Though a third party firewall would be better.

Yes - I’ve just unistalled McAfee AV as per your instructions and everything now seems fine - I can now access webpages with Avast turned on. Have also started using the firewall that came with my operating system (Windows Vista).

So hopefully that’s it! Many, many thanks for your help - I’m very impressed by Avast and the helpfulness of people on this forum.

No problem, just glad I could help.

I strongly advise looking at a third party firewall as far as I’m aware (I don’t use Vista), the Vista firewall doesn’t have outbound checking enabled by default, you have to enable it and even it is rule based and you create them (it is most certainly better than no firewall). Some third party firewalls are more user friendly.

There are many freeware firewalls such as, Comodo, PCTools Firewall Plus, Jetico, etc. - Zone Alarm free works fine with avast and has a reasonably friendly user interface, however, the free version is becoming bloated with trial ware and is also crippled as far as outbound protection goes In the Program Control, configuration area, the slider will only goes as far as Medium protection, if you want more you have to buy the Pro version.

Many forum users are using the comodo firewall.
See later set of results

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