Can't Acess

Hi, im trying to access your website and gives me error all the time… i can only access your subdomains… why?
Can someone help me?

Edit: i can only access if i do it with “Browser of SafeZone” who is made by Avast…

How do you think we can tell you why/what is wrong if you don’t provide details ?

The site is working fine.

I can only access if i do it with “Browser of SafeZone” who is made by Avast…

What details you want? I dont know why i cant access too… I have Google Chrome and Firefox…
I can acess by my smartphone, but on PC doens’t work the site…

What happens if you try to open in Firefox ?
What happens if you try to open it in FireFox safe mode ?

O Firefox não consegue estabelecer uma ligação para o servidor em

O site pode estar temporariamente indisponível ou demasiado ocupado. Tente novamente dentro de alguns momentos.
Se não conseguir carregar quaisquer páginas, verifique a ligação do seu computador à rede.
Se o seu computador ou rede estiverem protegidos por uma firewall ou proxy, certifique-se de que o Firefox tem permissão para aceder à Web.

Firefox can not establish a connection to the server at

 The site may be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Please try again in a few moments.
 If you can not load any pages, check the connection of your computer to the network.
 If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is allowed to access the Web.

I’ve had the same issue last night. Is this all the time or does it go away after 20 ~ 30 minutes?

How are you connecting to the internet on your PC?

the OP said he could open the site with the SafeZone Browser.
I’m thinking more about a plug-in blocking it.

The you are on the right track with Safe Mode for FireFox to check the add-ons / plugins.