Can't be registered the Avast 7

Today I downloaded the Avast 7 from the but, when I try register it, the software always said: "The service is temporarily unavailabe, please try again later. "

In the china avast forum, many people presented the same problem.

How can I solve it?

It looks like the account system servers are still being updated, avast did say that they still had things to do on this system for a few days, try the reistration again later.

You can use avast without account. You can also use it for 30 days without the Free registration either (registration is not the same as the account).

I was able to register Avast 7 using the offline option in the registry page and getting the key by mail.

To me, the real question is… why would you release a product upgrade that needs to be registered, if you do not have the resources in place to allow registration?

Avast is a great product, but I hope the problem with this release does not signal a change in quality and reliability.


It’s a temporary issue at avast servers. It does not change the registration requirement.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Got the same error message yesterday! Are the servers still down??