Can't connect, can't update

I’m using avast 4.8 Home Edition and can’t connect to the internet
avast seems to block internet completly for me, i have tried both Firefox and IE but i must disable avast to connect to the internet.
An other problem is that avast can’t update itself, i only get a “can’t connect to server” message.
Even if avast is disabled i can’t update it


When you write, “Can’t connect to the Net.” do you mean not in any way at all? I mean, putting Avast aside for the moment can you use your normal browser?

Of course, if you can’t connect to the Net, you’ll not be able to update.

It is the browser that avast is blocking, Msn and other stuff works just fine.
But to read this answer or write anythig here i’ll have to disable avast.

Avast blocking your browser sounds like you need one of the Avast pros. I think one will be along soon enough. I’m afraid I can’t come up with any ideas, but I’ll keep it in the back of my mind as I’m scooting around getting some work done.

Sounds more like your firewall blocking avast.

What is your firewall ?
Does it allow ashWebSv.exe and avast.setup internet access ?

  • If it does delete the entry for it and reconnect to the internet and do a manual iAVS Update (right click the avast ‘a’ icon, select Updating, iAVS Update); this should force the firewall to ask permission again.

Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

I’m using Windows firewall and even if i shut the firewall down the browser is still blocked
But if i shut down avast and keep the firewall running i can connect to internet

Hi stuka69!

Please also answer DavidR’s question:

This is probably quiet important :wink:


I had Norton antivirus before and i uninstalled it with Start/Settings/Control Panel/Uninstall

Hello. i am on this forum to find a solution to the same problem, I disabled the WEB Shield and IE 8 was able to connect to the internet
can anyone help with this

Norton is a pig to remove!

Please download the Norton removal tool and run it.
After this please uninstall avast! and download and run the avast! uninstall utility.
The last thing is to install avast! AV again and hope that everything works now :wink:


Hi jeppo!

Did you also have Norton installed previously?
Then please also follow my directions in my previous post.

If you used an other antivirus which was it?
Which is your firewall?


Then read, action and answer what is in Reply #4 above.

Hello. Firewall is windows firewall. if i create an exception for Avast then no change. the update could not connect to server. i will try this again later incase the fault is with the server. but still unable to connect with IE 8 If the web sheild is active.

Please answer what DavidR and I also need to know…

Which antivirus did you use previously? How did you remove it?

There your answer onlysomeone :slight_smile:

Thank you Mr. Agent, but this is the answer from “stuka69”, and I already gave him a suggestion what to do… (see this)

What I need is an answer from “jeppo”… :wink:

Oh ok sorry onlysomeone :slight_smile:


No antivirus on this machine before avast

Intentional deletion.

avast is the only antivirus i use, the only new software is IE 8 and now avast web sheild prevents explorer from connecting to the internet,