Can't create x64 bit VM in virtual box


I am running Avast Free 12.3.2280 (Latest version) and would like to know how I can disable Avast’s virtualization. In previous versions I could do so by going to Troubleshooting in the settings, and then un selecting the option that enabled virtualization, or something like that.

How can I do this in the latest version?

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 as my OS.

The issue was fixed after I rebooted my system, however, I wish Avast would not use virtualization at all (Now that it has Cyber Capture), or at least not hide the option in the troubleshooting settings.

Hi Sutieday :slight_smile:

Yeah, this is still not fixed. See this post from Petr :

Greetz, Red.

Hi Red, it’s fixed in the latest beta. :slight_smile: Cheers.

Thnx, I wasn’t aware of that.

Greetz, Red.