Cant detect AMS server to log in

Hi all

Ive had a look through others post and cant seem to find a answer to this problem.

After installation of SBS version and the ADNM with MSDE console, the login window doesn’t detect any servers. I have followed the installation manual which tells me to run the setup again but leaving the “management server” unchecked.

Anyone have any ideas on this one

Thanks in advance

Can you log in if you specify the name (or IP address) of the server manually?


No it doest dectect maually, and doesnt find the server when specified with IP address, and nothing in the drop down menu

I’m not talking about the detect feature now, I’m talking about the log on.
The detect button only fills in the drop down list. You don’t have to use it - you can type in the name of the server manually (together with username/password) and that’s what I’m asking you to do…


Yes I understand, ive tried that, it doesnt work either

Is the “avast Management Server” service running? (Administrative Tools → Services). If not, can you start it? If no, what error message + are there any “red” entries in the Antivirus category of the Windows event log?


No the service wasnt started, when I attempt to start it, the message returned is “Could not start service on local computer. Error 2 the system cannot find the file specified”

Uh, error 2 (file not found)?? :o

Did the installation complete successfully?

Can you check the folder where you installed the program (usually C:\Program Files\ALWIL Software\Management Tools) if there’s the file avEngine.exe?


that file wasnt present, but a lot of others were so I removed the installation, on reinstallation of the software, im getting a new error,

10.11.2005 13:23:31 general: Started: 10.11.2005, 13:23:31
10.11.2005 13:23:31 general: Running setup_av_mgm-17a (378)
10.11.2005 13:23:31 system: Operating system: Windows2003 ver 5.2, build 3790, sp 0.0 SERVER
10.11.2005 13:23:31 system: Windows Net User: ESSENTIALCUISIN\Administrator
10.11.2005 13:23:31 general: Cmdline: /sfx /sfxstorage “C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\” /srcpath “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop”
10.11.2005 13:23:31 general: Old version: 17a (378)
10.11.2005 13:23:31 general: SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
10.11.2005 13:23:31 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
10.11.2005 13:23:31 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
10.11.2005 13:23:31 general: Old version: 17a (378)
10.11.2005 13:23:32 general: GUID: 39326a81-0de0-4502-9412-68b40ad87442
10.11.2005 13:23:32 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘tmp sfx storage’ from ‘sfx’
10.11.2005 13:23:32 package: Load C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Management Tools\Setup\prod-av_mgm.vpu
10.11.2005 13:23:36 system: Error removing database: 0x0000a410.

any help on this please

Thanks in advance

That is during uninstall, right? You don’t have to worry about that (MSDE sometimes fails to delete the DB but the new install shouldn’t have a problem with that).

BTW instead of making uninstall/reinstall, you could simply do a “repair” of the installation (Control Panel → Add/Remove Programs → Avast Management Tools → Change/Remove → Repair).


reinstall solved the issue thanks for the help