Can't download avast updates

My avast can’t download the updates and i think its my NVidia firewall. I would have to manually update it from the avast icon. The error icon gets in the way while I’m playing my games. Any ideas? ???

your firewall needs to have access granted for avast setup to enable it to update properly
see the pics on this post I did about another firewall particularly slide 3
good luck

  1. make sure your firewall isn’t blocking it
  2. check the update settings in avast
  3. to prevent the ‘update’ message from showing in your games, prevent avast from stealing focus
  4. what is the error in avast’s log file about the problem?

To prevent the ‘update’ message from showing in your games, see ‘Troubleshooting’ tab of avast! settings…

As far as I remember, this option was broken in the official build. It should be finally working in the public beta though (I hope).