cant download

hi all, im am trying desperately to download avast!!! i get half way through then everything dissapears…please help little old me. XXXXX :-[

Where are you trying to download it from?
Are you using any form of download manager?
Are you getting any errors displayed?

Are you able to download other programs of say 6MB without it disappearing?

hi, and thx for replying…im trying to download from avast download page…pass on next Q!! and yeah i can download other things. xxx ;D…no errors dispalayed…just dissappears

Are you using IE, or Firefox? Also don’t download to many programs while downloading Avast!.

Are you trying to download and install in one go or using the save to disk option (I created a downloads folder to make it easier to find things).

You could also try downloading it from this location - avast 4.6 -