Cant find a way to Register :'(

Hiya everyone,
ive installed Avast Free AntiVirus 6.0 on 3 different PC’s and get the same results.

When i go to online to register it replies with an error, cant find file.
When i try to insert the code i got from the email, it says invalid code.

Im running XP pro SP3.

Any replies greatly appreciated,

Have you not tried registering directly from the avastUI, that way you don’t have to A) wait for an email and B) manually input the key ?


Hiya DavidR,
Thanks for replying, i have done all that, the first part 3 times on 3 different PC all with the same result, when i hit the last button for online register i get the error, cant find file.

If i try to use the emailed code, as in part 2, and i get the error, not a valid code.

I really want to trial Avast but just cant get it to work :-\


Do you really have installed avast Free? Or have you possibly installed the Pro-Version or Internet Security? Just a guess.


Hiya DJBone,
i thought the same and downloaded a fresh copy and used that, but its the same file size etc ive been using. I dont think its that,

Thanks for the reply,

Go to avast main GUI → maintenance → about avast. At the upper area you will see which exact product you installed. It should say “Avast Free antivirus”. If it says something about “trial”, or “pro” or “Internet Security” (AIS), then you installed the wrong product, and it won’t accept the same code.

Hiya ady4um,
i did as you suggested and it said,
!Avast Free Antivirus
Program version: 6.0.0

Thanks for your reply,

try turning off your firewall and seeing if you can register…If you are just using xp firewall it;s in control panel…If that works then you will need to set avast as a trusted program…hope that helps

avast! 6.x: Inserting the license key into avast! Free Antivirus,2,42

Already suggested in Reply #1, but the OP has tried both methods, but still failing.

So, reinstalling didn’t work and both usual methods didn’t work either?

We need screenshots attached to see what you are seeing (instead of descriptions). In your next post, use the “Additional Options” link (to the left of “post”) to attach a screenshot of the window where you are trying to add the license for Avast Free.

Hiya everyone,
Since my last post i have tried again with no firewall, no go.
i have tried reinstalling which worked ok but still no go.

as asked i have provided these screenshots.

Thanks for all your help,

Something is not “correct” in those screenshots.

In your screen (avast main GUI → maintenance → registration) you need to go to the first “REGISTER NOW”. Then you fill in the form. (Please do not confuse it with the last “registration form” button).

With the “REGISTER NOW” button, a form “should” open. If you see an option to upgrade to AIS, don’t use it (as you want the Free edition). In such case you click ONLY on “REGISTER” (grey button) so to continue with avast Free and avoid AIS.

In the form, you need to fill in all the info, specially the name and the email info.

Then you click on “register for Free license”. By this method, there is no code sent to you. It is automatically inserted. There is no file sent either.

If anything that I just described is not what you see, then please indicate EXACTLY on with step you see a difference and attach a screenshot of the exact step you see (instead of the one described here).

Hiya ady4um,
I did start with the “REGISTER NOW” button, if you notice the form in the first pic is from clicking the “REGISTER NOW” button.

The error message is what is returned when the form is filled out and sent.

Thanks for your reply its greatly appreciated,

As I said, there is no file or code when filling the on line form. So the first screenshot doesn’t quite fit the normal behaviour.

The second screenshot also seems to come from the paid editions, not the free one.

If you keep having problems, I would suggest a clean up of you current installation. Uninstall avast Free using “Add/Remove Programs”, reboot into Windows Safe Mode so to follow this instructions:

Then download ANEW avast Free (not the trial) and install it. When the installation process finishes, reboot. After that, let avast update itself and try again the Free on line registration.

Hiya ady4um,
If you scroll up you will see i have already downloaded AGAIN the free version from Avast.
I have already gone thru the process of uninstalling and re-installing Avast.

As i have said before, i have this problem on all 3 of the PC’s ive attempted to get it running on, so i assume its not THE PC.

Thanks for your reply, i hope we can resolve this issue.

Well, the way I see it, there are a couple of possibilities (that all those systems have in common). Either the procedure has some temporary problem, or there is something wrong in your side (and please don’t misunderstand me; this is just and objective observation so to try to solve the problem).

I personally used the on line method a few days ago, and it worked exactly as it should (as shown also in the article I linked to before).

So the only suggestion I have now is to repeat the whole procedure, including the downloads from the official website (and not from any other site nor link posted anywhere - not even in this forum). Why? Because if you have to wait for the process to be corrected (if it is currently and temporarily broken), you won’t have definitions updates after the 30 days trial period of the Free edition of avast.

By cleaning up all traces / remnants of avast ( and starting over, you can have 30 days with updates, and maybe the process will be fixed (if it is broken), and eventually you would want to try again the on line registration.

The “mindset” I’m suggesting is to “forget” what you did before, so by reviewing the download links and the procedures (as indicated in the articles), maybe you will solve the problem next time. Of course this means not only uninstalling, but also cleaning any remnants using Windows Safe Mode and aswclear.

BTW, keep updating your OS, including SPx and validating / activating it.

This case is certainly strange for me. Maybe someone else has some additional tip / suggestion.

ok i will start again from scratch and see what happens.
The download from the Avast site actually takes you to cnet which is where im getting the download from.

c ya when ive done it again :wink:

OK, remember to remove the remnants after the uninstallation (from the link above).

Hiya everyone,
I followed the uninstall process and when Avast was gone i downloaded the
“Avast free antivirus” again and installed it.
When the PC rebooted i can open Avast but i cant update anything, no error messages it just wont download the updates.

I have trying the online registration with the same result, it says a file is missing.
I have tried the “license key” manually and it still wont accept it.

Any ideas greatly appreciated,