Can't find aswRunDll.exe

Start PC and get can’t find aswRunDll.exe so Avast loads with X on tray icon. Copen Avast and click Repair and Repair All and it does nothing at all.
Got to Add/remove and do Avast Repair there and I have had to do 3 or 4 times in the pass. But this time it does not work and I try again but no good.
Other things are not working right like Hosts file I can’t change setting to disable etc and get error “Operation Failed”. Can update Hostsman but it will not save because I can’t get to the file because Avast has me locked out.
Can not open SUPERAntiSpyware Professional. It’s loaded by the clock and I can not open or right click.
Trouble open other programs till I do CAD to close SUPERAntiSpyware Professional.
Uninstall Avast and got new installer but it locks up at the start and never loads. A CAD will not let you close it.
Other programs like Emsisoft Anti-Malware also act up. I can not update them or if I click the update it shows the arror etc that shows your getting update but it’s not and you can cancel anything.
Shut down I get Net-Broadcasteventwondows and have to end task.
Get other programs I may have to end task because they are not responding.
System restore on many dates can not be restored.

Avast control over other programs will not give back the control because I can’t get Avast to work or install again.

Online Armor will not update
Did just get SUPERAntiSpyware Professional but I can’t update. So doing scan and all clean so far.
Was able to update and scan Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and it was clean.

PC was all clean and running OK till I started the PC then morning and Avast acts up again like it has in the pass with aswRunDll.exe.
But this time it will not repair and it has control still over other programs even after a uninstall and will not let me install Avast again.

So Avast has locked me out.

I have Windows XP Pro
Avast free or did have it.
Online Armor - Paid version
Emsisoft Anti-Malware - Paid version
SUPERAntiSpyware Professional - Paid version
WinPatrol Plus - Paid version

I keep the PC clean and have for years.
Like to get this fixed today PLEASE because XP support is one day away from ending and there is way to much work to redo everything and Avast seems to have a lock on letting changes be made.

Thank you
Harry (hewee)

It sounds to me like you have an infection as Avast will not stop other programmes from running without giving you a warning

So far all scans are clean.

I know Avast is always scanning ever click you make and the newer version has so much control and wants it that way. Avast can not be killed unless you change the setting so it will not start on boot etc. A Cad will not allow you to end task on Avast.
So losing the aswRunDll.exe at boot Avast never let go of it’s control of other programs so now they are acting up.
Has to be in the Registry on he program or programs.

Maybe the Avast Uninstall Utility can clean this up.

Still on Deep scan now with Emsisoft Anti-Malware but so far it’s clean.

You do a search on aswrundll.exe and seems lots types of trouble is because of it. Also I said it had happen in the pass but a repair always fixed it but not this time.

If you wish then do a clean install

Download Avast Uninstall Utility to your Desktop.
Download the correct version of Avast
Avast Free
Avast Pro
Avast Internet Security
Avast Premier
Disconnect from the net
Uninstall Avast via control panel

[]Run the uninstall tool and accept the reboot to safe mode
]Once complete reboot your system
[*]Reinstall Avast

I already did that but troubles is still there. It really screwed things up. From see other threads here I see I am not alone.
I am now starting a redo do of my PC. Thought I get a restore from the Dell CD like I was told I could restore it like it was shipped but now they say no. I got a XP Pro and SP2.
I had to down SP2 because it was not installed from the Dell CD. Then a Driver CD but it was for more then one PC. I still got under other divices, SM Bus Controller the drovers missing but don’t know what they are.
Was very hard at first because I could not get online but found the drives to take care of that. IE would not work right and then not update till I got Firefox going from download off another PC. Then I got online the SP2 and SP3 and then IE worked and I got about 150 updates.

This is all on a new SSD. I will later look at the screw up drive to see if a windows repair may work.

Got to eat and get some sleep now because I have awake 24 plus hours on this because I wasted time doing scans to see if all was OK and it was and all was so slow after the Avast screw up.