Can't finish homework because of a false positive

I got programming classes this year and I am annoyed of avast telling that the program I created is a virus.

I am using DevC++.

When I type this code

/* exer1.c Writing a line of text */ #include

printf(“Here lies my favorite quote! \n”);


When I try to run the program, Avast detects the .exe created by DevC++ as Win32:Trojan-gen.
Even replacing the exclamation point with other symbols, still avast detects the exe created as Win32:Trojan-gen.
When I remove or replace the exclamation point with letters or add more characters or symbols after the exclamation point, Avast doesn’t detect it anymore.

I tried uploading it to virustotal and other AVs also detects it.

wow, you have constructed a virus…bad boy… ;D

Please pack the executable into a password-protected ZIP/RAR/7z and send it (together with the password, and maybe with the link to this thread) to
Alternatively, you can let avast! move the file to Chest and perform the submission from there.