I have tried them all.
Yes, I have a firewall. That does’nt help me much now.
A system is now running on my computer getting this mail addresses from a web server, and sending it from my computer.
Well, which process is sending mail, outlook express (msimn.exe)?
If you have a firewall, you can see the connections alive. If you’re not using one, maybe using TCPView from www.sysinternals.com.
To get clean, did you run all programs posted by David?
Did you run avast at boot time?
Of cause, I did the avast boot time, Also tried Norton Intenet security with full scan. Norton just turned off http:80 for all use to stop it.
Winlogon is the process, I think. I had to turn off avast to get the process list right. Otherwise the ashMaiSv.exe is the process.
Tried TCPView - but i got no new information here.
I tried Ad-Aware, found some cookies, but not related to this problem.
Tried Spybot - found nothing new.
Tried to use HiJackThis, but that did not help me find anything
Im gonna trie Ewido Security Suite now, let’s hope it can fint it!
Norton doesn’t play nice with other AV if this is installed, avast may not be fully installed to avoid conflict. It isn’t reccommended to have two resident AVs installed. You may need to Uninstall the anti-virus element of NIS, you may be able to run this program removal tool, which can remove the remnants of a number of different Norton Programs: Removing your Norton program using SymNRT
HJT doesn’t find anything it just reports on what it running, you have to analyse the log or use one of the on-line analysis sites. You could also post the contents of the log file here.
There should never be hyperlinks to actual malware left clickable in this forum. Render the link harmless (dot for . or remove part) or remove it completely. Some people might be tempted to click through, and might get infected.
It seems to be related to winlogon.exe located in the windows/system32 folder. It constantly sends emails to various addresses and the only way I can overcome it is to block net access for that file using zone alarm.
Does Avast have anyway to submit the file for analysis?
Yes, If you are not getting a virus warning that and you believe it is a new, undetected virus, then if you can zip and password protect (‘virus’, will do) the suspect file and send it to virus @ avast.com (no spaces).
Give a brief outline of the problem (possibly a link to this thread or your other one), the fact that you believe it to be a either a new, undetected virus or false positive and include the password in the body of the email. Some info on the avast version and VPS number (see about avast {right click avast icon}) will also help.