I have had Avast Pro for some time on my Win 8.1 All-In-One HP computer and have used SafeZone throughout that period, but now for no reason I can see I get the error message “SafeZone Browser cannot read or write to its data directory: c:\sfzone_profile.”
I’ve tried rebooting but still have the problem. Can anyone suggest the reason and, more importantly, a solution please?
The initial screen with the orange arrow in a circle opens and the three icons, (for stored websites, the calculator and the notepad), are all there, but they all produce a popup containing the error message I quoted in post 1.
Yeh, I’m not sure, I may have remembered wrong/
In any case, over the years for me, SafeZone has been finicky/inconsistent and has required at times some messing around with.
You could try a Repair of your Avast installation. You could also try unchecking SafeZone in the TOOLS (Middle) column in the Install options and rebooting then going back and Re Checking/installing it.
You can do either or both by going to Control Panel/ Programs & Features/Avast and choose ‘Change’
When installation options opens, scroll to “Repair” if you want to Repair or “Change” if you choose to remove and reinstall.
Make sure you reboot regardless of your choice.