Can't get my Anti-theft to set up on My AT&T phone

Hey I’ve used Avast on all my computers for many years now and I really like the idea of having it on mt Android phone. Sadly there is one thing that’s stopping me, I can’t set up my Anti-theft. I have an AT&T Android 2.1 Soney Ericsson Xperia X10. When I try to set it up avast comes up with “Setup will need to access non Android market download locations. Please enable installation of Non-market apps in your system settings.” Well the problem is it won’t let me because AT&T doesn’t allow non Android market stuff. I really want avast but I’m not sure how to go about getting the anti theft to work. Any idea’s other then getting a new phone or service…

Settings > Program > Unknown sources

Enabling that doesnt work at all?

It doesn’t have the unknown source tab on my phone.

I followed the directions as it states through Avast and I can’t go through with the set up. I really want Avast, Lookout is soo stinken slow.

Well, this is one of good known behavior of AT&T; since the antitheft component is downloaded by application itself from secured Avast fileserver, there are no many possibilities how to override vendor´s settings (they did some statements about this problem, but obviously did not aynthing for it). Generally, your situation could be solved by rooting your phone and installing generic version of Android (from Google) or look over the internet (f.e. for possible solution. At least you could try to write to our support for more informations. Good luck.

Thanks, like I said I really like Avast and would love to get it to work on my phone. I’ll keep trying.

i have a samsung galaxy s and cant find where to go in order to enable installation of non market apps

Second post tells you…

There is not …>Program > Unknown sources under Settings in my (BELL) Samsung Galaxy Nexus??

Program > Security > Unknown sources

I have the same problem. I have samsung Galaxy. I897
It doesnt show unknown sources

First of all use google on how to enable non market sources and second, if its not there you dont have that option.

It seems that the place to allow non-market apps varies by phone. In my HTC Sensation XE it was found (after Googling, indeed) in Menu > Settings > Security, not in Apps or Programs. Would be nice if the next version of the Avast App would guide its users better, instead of sending them into a bewildering maze when they want to use the app.