Can't get rid of

o.k. I admit it, I’m pretty new to fighting viruses. Guess thats why I’m here. I downloaded and ran Avast4.6 last night, found several viruses on my computer. I put all in the chest but couldn’t get rid of one. C:\Windows\system32!?ass.exe . Need Help!!

If you have a NT based system (XP/2k/2k3), run a bootscan with Avast.

I ran a boot scan but avast said it couldn’t recognize the file extention. So when I tried to put it in the chest all it did was go back and forth between virus detected and the recognition notice.

Ok, follow the instructions on this page
Let’s see if that solves it.


File you have - PurityScan/Clickspring adware

To remove it - boot your PC in a Safe Mode, then find it and delete manually.

Btw, install normal antivirus and you will not have such issues in future.

What do you mean? ::slight_smile: