can't get the license key

I’ve been doing everything i can think of to read the license key attachment or to even go to the link… NEITHER of them work. I get the message to ‘go online to find the software to read it’ … i’ve had the free avast for over a year.

trying to upgrade from free to pro, winXP, satellite internet

please someone help me

I’m unclear as to what you mean exactly. If I remember correctly you should drag/drop the license into the Maintanence/Subscription section of Avast! GUI? edit:sorry, I see now you mean the e-mail attachment?

yeah, it’s the email… but neither the email link NOR the attachment work… what do i do??

The Avast! faq has instructions on this, looking at it now, I used the manual method, saved license file then manually inserted. edit:we are referring to Avast! 5 here?

yes, avast!5… but i can’t even get the page to open. I read that Q&A before i got onto the forum. it didnt’ help me at all. I have the download on my desktop but when i try and open it, i get the message that i need to go online to find the software to read it… so i can’t even get past that message. I’m so frustrated! i didnt’ have any problems loading the free version a yr ago but now, UGH! getting really mad at my computer! i don’t know what kind of software it wants me to use, WINDOWS is useless as usual for help.

… ok. it says that i can go online to find the right program to open the file OR
manually pick a program because windows can’t read it…

so which program should i use to read the file?

Sorry for being redundant, but you’re stating you have the file downloaded, did you try the drag/drop method also?

ok. tried that with the link from the email. didn’t work. got the same message to go online or to manually pick the program to READ the file…that windows can’t read it,

which program should i use to read it, adobe… sandscript (lol) ;D

I did the online option and i have gone thru a few sites explaining that WINDOWS should be able to open .avastlic file extensions but mine won’t.

WOW FINALLY FOUND IT!!! at the very bottom of the page it says to use NOTEPAD to read the file!!!

THANK YOU Gargamel360!!! i know you were asking me questions but i’m just glad that someone actually was even trying… rare in this day in age.

i found it on this site… finally

now i’m having problems with getting it to validate… says it’s incorrect… UGH!
going to be a long night! looks like the email link is working now that i am using NOTEPAD to read it.

or not. “the webpage is not available”

You got a .dat file? If that is the license key, not the license file, did you purchase 4.8 pro, then download 5 pro? Mine was .avastlic

it’s a .avastlic file. And windows couldn’t open it so i did it with NOTEPAD. now i can’t figure out why the license ID is so long… and it had LOTS of dashes - worse than a credit card!

it looks like this (not exact for my safety)


is that the right one?!?!? All the others i enter are too short

looks like my 5 download DIDN"T load right… trying this all over again. i’m still using 4.8 free version. UGH

so sorry to twist you ear like this!

The website you posted link to says notepad is for .dat license. This is what happened when I clicked on license link, firefox offers to open in Avast! or save. I do have Adobe, if you do not perhaps that is the problem. edit: And you are hardly twisting my ear ;), trust me, I’m probably learning as much as you.

i saw that it was for .dat files … but it opened the .avastlic file so i could at least see it. i think you are right that i’m trying to license the wrong version… so i’m trying to download 5 again. it keeps stopping and it won’t finish loading. i think this satellite connection isn’t fast enough… going to have to go into town to steal some good highspeed!

i bought the avast!5… downloading 5 again… or trying to

i use chrome because it doesn’t crash like firefox and mozilla does. i seem to be the only person on the planet that has so many problems! I have adobe. the download will be finished in 15 min or so cause of how slow my connection is. i’m going to go make a cup of tea while this is doing it’s job. might be able to get this done after all! WOOHOOO thank you again!

WOW, i need some sleep. sorry firefox users… mozilla firefox. should not have ‘and’ in the middle there!

No problem, enjoy :slight_smile:

lol… boy was i off, it’s going to take a couple of hours to get this on board. I really miss comcast!!! have a great night and i’ll respond with the results tomorrow! i’m going to put on a movie and fall asleep… :o

well got it loaded but not i get this notice when i try and run the app

" the application failed to start because of its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more information." If i uninstall this program do i have to redownload it to install again??? or can i burn it to disk first???