Can't insert license file because I have an expired license

Hi, I have an expired SecureLine VPN license on my avast account, and I cannot get rid of it. It only asks me to renew it. Because of this, I cannot insert an Avast SecureLine VPN license file that expires in late 2019. Every time I try to insert it, it just takes me to my licenses.

When I choose to insert the file, it tells me that it was activated, but the expired license is still there and I cannot use SecureLine

Have you rebooted the system ???

I have same problem.

Yes, I have rebooted multiple times.

What options do you get when you click on the down arrow
next to the Renew now option ???

No options, it just says it’s licensed to me and the activation code.

same problem here

I’m trying to post a gif of what happens but when I try to post it redirects me to create a new topic. So I’ll explain what I tried. I went to a different menu and clicked “Enter Activation Code,” then I clicked “Use a license file.” I select my license and it says it was successful and the license ends in 2019. It doesn’t have a license code when I look at it’s dropdown menu. I close the licenses tab and go back into it. The active license is gone and the expired license is back there.

Can anyone help?

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