Running MAC OSX High Sierra 10.13.1
on MacBook Air
Avast was running previously but uninstalled. Reinstall results in the following from system log
Dec 8 10:26:04 MacBook[1] (com.avast.daemon): This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Dec 8 10:26:04 MacBook com.avast.daemon[11183]: Starting daemon.
Dec 8 10:26:04 MacBook sam[11231]: SecureLine installation failed
Dec 8 10:26:05 MacBook sam[11261]: Passwords installation failed
Dec 8 10:26:05 MacBook sam[11335]: Cleanup installation failed
Dec 8 10:26:06 MacBook com.avast.submit[11346]: Invalid version format: bd0cfa0883e5-13.1
Dec 8 10:26:08 MacBook com.avast.daemon[11183]: Loaded VPS #17120800
Dec 8 10:26:08 MacBook[1] (com.avast.service): This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Dec 8 10:26:08 MacBook com.avast.service[11384]: sock_connect_unix_socket: connect(/Library/Application Support/Avast/run/wifiguard.sock) failed: No such file or directory
Dec 8 10:26:08 MacBook com.avast.service[11384]: WifiGuardNotifier: failed to connect
Dec 8 10:26:10 MacBook[1] (com.avast.proxy): This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Dec 8 10:26:10 MacBook com.avast.proxy[11413]: Starting daemon.
Dec 8 10:26:10 MacBook com.avast.proxy[11413]: Error connecting to service socket: connect(): /Library/Application Support/Avast/run/service.sock: No such file or directory
Dec 8 10:26:10 — last message repeated 1 time —
Dec 8 10:26:10 MacBook[1] ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
Dec 8 10:26:11 MacBook com.avast.proxy[11413]: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
Dec 8 10:26:11 MacBook com.avast.daemon[11183]: License error: /Library/Application Support/Avast/config/license.avastlic: No such file or directory
Dec 8 10:26:11 MacBook com.avast.service[11384]: sock_connect_unix_socket: connect(/Library/Application Support/Avast/run/wifiguard.sock) failed: No such file or directory
Dec 8 10:26:11 MacBook com.avast.service[11384]: WifiGuardNotifier: failed to connect
Dec 8 10:26:11 MacBook[1] (com.avast.fileshield): This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Dec 8 10:26:11 MacBook com.avast.fileshield[11477]: fs: Starting daemon
Dec 8 10:26:11 MacBook com.avast.fileshield[11477]: fs: config_load: ini_read() failed [-1]. Will use defaults.
Dec 8 10:26:12 MacBook[1] ([11479]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Dec 8 10:26:12 MacBook[1] ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
Dec 8 10:26:12 MacBook[1] (com.avast.account[11486]): Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /Library/Application Support/components/account/com.avast.account-sync
Dec 8 10:26:12 MacBook[1] (com.avast.account[11486]): Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.
Dec 8 10:26:12 MacBook[1] (com.avast.wifiguard): This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Dec 8 10:26:14 MacBook[1] ([11514]): Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in():
Dec 8 10:26:15 MacBook com.avast.fileshield[11477]: fs: Stopping File Shield…