Can't install Avast!

I need some help. ??? My old hard drive crashed and I replaced it today. After reinstalling the OS, I tried installing Avast! but it fails (see message below). I then went ahead and got as far as the SP2 update for XP and then tried again. I got the same error. I now have all XP updates including SP3, etc., and I still get the same error. I tried an alternate download site but still no luck. I like Avast! far more than any other AV program I have ever used and can’t imagine not having it. I don’t like even getting Windows updates without an AV program and I won’t get on the Internet again until I get Avast running.

The error comes in a popup window. It says,

Setup Finished
There was an error while completing the process.

Here’s the content of the log:

17.10.2009 16:50:03 general: Started: 17.10.2009, 16:50:03
17.10.2009 16:50:03 system: Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 3.0 [Service Pack 3]
17.10.2009 16:50:03 system: Memory: 33% load. Phys:693360/1047856K free, Page:2258048/2521152K free, Virt:2071428/2097024K free
17.10.2009 16:50:03 system: Computer WinName: GATEWAY_SYSTEM
17.10.2009 16:50:03 system: Windows Net User: GATEWAY_SYSTEM\Owner
17.10.2009 16:50:03 general: Old version: ffffffff (-1)
17.10.2009 16:50:03 system: Using temp: C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\ (123085M free)
17.10.2009 16:50:03 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
17.10.2009 16:50:03 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
17.10.2009 16:50:03 general: Install check: Program folder does NOT exist in registry
17.10.2009 16:50:03 general: SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 0
17.10.2009 16:50:06 general: progress thread start
17.10.2009 16:50:06 general: Destination: C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\
17.10.2009 16:50:06 general: Starting download:
17.10.2009 16:50:06 general: Download finished from server, result: 0x20000006, server response: 301
17.10.2009 16:50:06 general: Stats, server response: 536870918
17.10.2009 16:50:07 general: POST result: 0x00000000, server response: 20
Vew setup log.

See this post as you may be having the same problem and solution should work


Thank you very much! That did the trick. What a relief!

Ran into the same problem myself this morning helping a friend and happened to see one of the earlier posts with the same solution. If fixed me up. Glad it also worked for you.