Noticed my webrep in chrome didnt appear to be working, was grey all the time, so decided to uninstall and reinstall it. However, i uninstalled it through chrome (right clicked the icon and uninstalled) rather than through Avast and now i can’t install it again Any ideas how i can resolve this?
Same here but it has been fine until a short time ago. Now it seems to be back…
Ok, thanks! But i can’t even reinstall it anymore.
See here on how to install WebRep in chrome : http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=76821.0
Many thanks! That worked great
You’re Welcome.
Ok, i thought i had solved this. However, in the Avast UI i have chrome webrep uninstalled, however webrep is still running in chrome. The two don’t appear to be linked. Which takes me back to my original point, if i uninstall webrep through chrome, installation through the Avast UI doesnt work ???
Since you have manually installed the WebRep, it will not show you as installed in AvastUI. No problem if you have installed it manually, it still works, isn’t it - let it. When the next program update is out, uninstall from chrome and try installing from UI or reinstall avast completely from scratch.