I’m not able to update to the latest version of my BIOS because Avast seems to think that it’s malware. And maybe it is. But I doubt it, because the update comes directly from Toshiba Service Station, Toshiba’s proprietary update software. So it seems unlikely to me that Toshiba would infect their own PCs with malware (at least on purpose). I’ve repeatedly tried to get support for this issue, to no avail. Phoning technical support got me nowhere, I put in a ticket for support via the website, I’m not sure if it went through because i never received an email confirmation. So i decided to post here.
The steps I took are: 1) updated from BIOS version 1.30 to 1.40, check. 2) updated from BIOS version 1.40 to 1.60, check. 3) Attempted to update from 1.60 to 1.70: Avast blocked execution of the file. 4) Avast prompted me to run a boot time scan, so I did, it came back clean, 0 infected files. 5) a subsequent full system scan also came back clean.
What do you think? See the two imgur links I posted for screenshots. I’m hesitant to add an exclusion, but may be willing to do it if it comes down to it. And Avast seems to delete the file (again see the second screenshot in the above post). When I check where the file should be (C:\UBIOS) it’s not there, so I don’t think Avast is keeping it in the Virus Chest. *EDIT: I just checked the virus chest, it’s empty.
I guess my question about adding an exception would be: can I add the exception, do the install, and then delete the exception? I’m scared if I do that, Avast will pick it up as malware upon my next system scan.
Seems to me the best solution to this problem is to report it as a false positive. But how?
I don’t know the effects it could have if I told you to Safe Boot, which would disable Avast!. But the effects of installing a BIOS in Safe Mode are unknown to me.
Toshiba Support wrote back to me and told me simply: “You need to close all programs while updating your BIOS to avoid any conflicts during installation.” And they provide this link to the “latest BIOS update”
I don’t know how excited I am about downloading and installing a Windows executable, when there’s a preinstalled Toshiba utility that’s able to do the job. I just need to work out this issue with Avast somehow.
Thank you to Eddy and Michael, for taking the time to respond to my problem. As it turns out, I ended up disabling Avast’s shields and proceeded with the installation of my BIOS update. Following this, I ran a full system scan which found no threats.
I really wish Avast Technical Support would have been more receptive and accommodating over the phone. I guess that’s their prerogative. As a matter of fact I called twice. the first time I reached a guy who was being very helpful but at the moment I was running a boot time scan so we couldn’t proceed with the steps he wanted me to do so we arranged for him to call me back in a couple of hours. He never did. The second time I called the guy I reached was very rude and dismissive - he obviously thought I was some idiot that had no idea what I was talking about - that conversation got me nowhere (and the guy didn’t really sound like HE knew what he was talking about, either). To be fair, Toshiba support was just about as flippant as Avast support.
In any event, this thread ought to help any other Toshiba owners out there if they run into this problem while updating their BIOS. Hopefully this thread will be seen by Avast staff so they can correct the FP problem.
I’m sorry. I got caught up in writing Essays and not posting here. Oops.
Eddy pretty much summarized what I was going to say though. Updating your BIOS can be quite dangerous for even the most advanced users like Essexboy and Eddy (You may or may not include me, I can be quite stubborn at times :-)).
Unless you REALLY needed that update, don’t try to update it. I’ve owned my XPS8500 for 2 ish years now, and the BIOS/UEFI that was installed when I first got it still runs without hiccups (It’s a miracle! LOL).
PS: If you can’t tell. I’ve put this computer through a lot of abuse in the years!!!
Windows 8 to Windows 7, back to Windows 9, to Windows 10 back to 8 and then into 8.1 :-).
Add to that, some pretty heavy gaming (BF4 for example) with Video Editing/Rendering/Recording while gaming.
Anyways, back to Essay’s I am. I shall get this done before tomorrow. Not much left
It is not avast technical support, it is a third party that is supposed to give support for avast products. And yes they suck really big time. Let me say this about them...
Say you a ship is docked, and you are standing on the dock and want to get onboard of the ship.
They give you a push and you fall in the water between the dock and the ship.
Is that helping?
Well, you are closer to where you want to be but that is all.
Next they say “Give us your money, we helped you in the right direction”.
But it is not the way you wanted to be helped.
That is how they work.
Anyway, you now know where to get free help
I’m expecting your payment within 48 hours ;D (kidding ofcourse)