Can't install root version of Anti-theft on my rooted Samsung Galaxy S

I cannot install root version of Ant-theft on my rooted SGS running on Gingerbread 2.3.5.I get a notification like “could not write to system directory (cat:write error:no space left on device)” when i use the direct write method and when i use Recovery Image method i get the UPDATE.ZIP file but when i try to run it i get an error with something like the file can’t be parsed(i forgot the exact wording of the error). Please help coz i really need the root version. Non root is working perfectly.

See here:

Thanks mate :)Problem fixed

Why I cannot install root version of Ant-theft on my rooted SE Xperia NEO? If download is startet I see: “server overloaded”.
Today I try again and problem is fixed, evrything is OK.

How many KBytes do you need in system partition to install Anti-Theft ?
I removed a ringtone to make 650 K available, but it doesn’t seem to be enough…


The APK needs approx. 1.5 MB i think.

Thanks !
I retried with more space… with success.
In my case, the occupied space is about 1012 KB.
