can't install VPS update Ver.4.8.1351

I use Avast 4.8 .1351. on the computer which hasn’t internet connection. The updates I get from internet. Yesterday when I tried to update , I got the following message:
Can’t install VPS update. Error codes:
Ver. 4.8.1351
I use W-XP prof. SP2. I use this way of update for 2 years.
Pls. can smb help me?

hey! are you using a dial up connection or how do you connect to the internet? you could try a repair of avast thought but think the problem is that you sayed there was not internet connection on the computer that means that avast can’t download the new VDB without connect to to the internet. I’m no expert but this is what I think the problem is.
good luck and hope it fixes for you if not write back.

Thank’s but I haven’t internet conection and always download the updates to another computer and install the EXE on my computer

Maybe vpsupd.exe is got somehow corrupted? Can you download it again?

Thank’s Tech. I’m trying to get again and I tell you.

hi i have same problem altho with different numbers and my ver. is 4.8.1335 i try to install updates manually as i have no internet connection and yesterday it came up with
Can’t install vps update. Please, report following error codes.
SI: 0x00000005
ST: 0x2000000B
LE: ox00000000

Have you tried it as admin user?
Error 5 is access denied (not enough rights, file in use)

i am only user on the pc and i am admin i’ve been doing it this way for about the last six months and it’s been fine normally i just double click the vpsupd.exe and it says database updated from 090901 to 090902 etc. but the last time it gave that error!

Does it help to download the full setup file and update the program version?

Your message says 4.8.1335
the current verision is 4.8.1351

how would i do that do i need to uninstall then reinstall? or just run the setup and it will update?

Generally, running the setup again will show you three/four options: change, uninstall, update/repair.
You can choose the last one.

ok thanks will try that i have also downloaded the next vpsupd so i hope one or the other works

Oops, I were talking about installer (setupeng.exe), not the virus definitions update executable (vpsupd.exe).

Hi Tech,
I downloaded again the VPu, but there was the same error message. I decided and put the computer on the live internet connection, updated Avast and checked the system. There was a virus: WIN32: Kamso(Trj). I removed the programs which contents it and now all is OK.
Thanks .

To be sure you’re clean, can you schedule a boot-time scanning?
Start avast! > Right click the skin > Schedule a boot-time scanning.
Select for scanning archives.
If infected files are found, it’s safer to send them to Chest instead of deleting them.
This way you can further analysis them.

Thank’s Tech.
I made made the schedule boot-time scanning before your advice and all was OK.
I always made the scanning with archives .
Thank’s again

So, welcome to forums drumyana :wink:

thanks spg Scott and Tech i downloaded the setupeng.exe and updated avast to new version and everything works fine now so thank you

No Problem, glad to help :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forums.

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