Ok… one of my clients has 3 computers running avast pro… latest version. I have consistently had problems with 1 on the systems getting updates.
I have removed avast… ran the cleaner… re-installed and its updated fine. Then, when it goes for its next update it does nothing. I know it hasn’t updated when Windows tells me the AV Defs are out of date security message.
So today I tryed to do an update. Nothing happened. Not even an error. So I manually downloaded the VPS update and tried to run it. I get the following error:
If so then, try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. You need to be on-line to do this.
If that doesn’t work try, uninstall, reboot, install, reboot.
opps… the above post is a lie. Back to the same old problem. After I did the repair it updated fine. Then 2 days later the update failed again. I suspact that something was not shut down properly with the avast update as well because there is a memory leak (perhaps the update trying infinately?)
I have removed avsat from this computer and del;ete the alwil folder in the progranm files. I want the system to run for 2 days so I can see if it was avast that was causing the virtual memory errors when the user returned to work every morning.
She would be forced to restart every morning to free up the ram that some application on a rampage was using up.